Friday, July 23, 2010

One Moment in Time

Ah, Quesada, you have new ways of giving Spider-Man fans the middle finger. You knew we hated One Moment In Time and shook are heads at some of the recent stories, so there you go poking at the sleeping dragon with a sword.

For those uninformed, Joe Quesada is the editor in chief at Marvel Comics. He is considered one of the most prominent examples of a promoted fanboy. His acts include insisting that Cyclops of the X-Men hooking up with a OOC Emma Frost have an affair when his wife's body isn't even cold yet, approving House of M, Avengers Dissassembled, Civil War, and Ultimatum stories, and also putting down older fans and saying their opinions don't matter.

Anyway, he wrote One More Day, a story in which Spider-Man makes a deal with the devil to get erase his marriage and abort his child to save Aunt May from a gun wound (why all the heroes with all the magical and medical resources and knowledge in the world can't help? Because the plot says so shut up). Anyway, this featured a wildly out of character Peter Parker and Mary Jane. This story is so hated, the man forced to write this wanted his name taken off the book. This deal causes Spider-Man to be single, live in his Aunt May's house, and becomes a stud boy. Oh yeah and his identity becomes secret again (he revealed it in Civil War. He and Mary Jane added making his identity secret again because they couldn't handle the responsiblity, another OOC moment). It's secret even to the Green Goblin and Venom, who's stories hinged on knowing Spider-Man is Peter Parker, basically rendering the past 30-40 years of Spider-Man stories null. It doesn't even make logical sense since if they remember their encounters with him, they'd naturally remember that he's Peter Parker. Oh yeah, and the Goblin's son comes back from the dead...for some reason. The only one who remembers is Deadpool because he's just that awesome.

Anyway I'm not here to review One More Day, just giving you some background you need to understand this story. Anyway, this story is about how Mephisto made the changes. It's a multi-parter and only part one's out. But so far, it's shifting blame to Mary Jane suggesting she wanted this to happen. That and Spider-Man apparently missed the wedding because he got hit in the head with a flying brick and got beaten up by some fat guy with no superpowers. Yes, that's as stupid as it sounds.

So anyway so far? It sucks ass and I hope a new editor in chief is instated and erases this monstrosity from Spider-Man history.

Linkara, if you read this story, I feel your pain.

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